Co-curricular Activities

20th Cluster Speech Contest
20th Cluster Speech Contest 2023. 12 Campuses of The Educators from North Region Participated. We congratulate all the winners. You really made us proud. This is indeed a moment of pride for you and for the whole "The Educators" Family.
Hygiene and Cleanliness Campaign
Cleanliness is not a necessity, but a way of life. Both personal hygiene and clean surroundings promote healthy living . Being aware of how to maintain cleanliness is very important.The Educators Capital Campus drove a personal hygiene and cleanliness capmpaign in collaboration with Pehli Kiran Schools and Hive Pakistan.

Talent Show Performances
The diverse talents showcased by our students reflect the unique skills and creativity that make our school community exceptional. We celebrate the richness of talent within our student body, fostering an environment where passion and skill converge in a splendid display of individuality.
Cluster Competition "Hijjon Kay Jugnu"
Cluster Competition "Hijjon kay Jugnu" was held at The Educators Capital Campus, students of Class KG , I and II participated from 8 campuses.